Monday, March 17, 2008

School Survey - Please Help

My study group for school is writing a research paper on the effects of technology with language and communication. Our 3 topics are cellphones, computers, and television. Please answer the following questions. Thank you!
  1. How do cellphones, computers, and television make communication more difficult for the older generation who is use to the traditional way of communication.
  2. How is it changing? Why does it matter?
  3. How has it affected the world, business, and school?
  4. What would happen or what would the outcome be, if technological communication were suddenly unavailable?
  5. Discuss innovative ways that technological communication has been updated or changed.
  6. Discuss the necessities of it?
  7. Why are we changing the way we communicate with technology?
  8. Where have these ideas come from? How did they evolve?
  9. What has changed about technology in today’s society?